Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well So far this summer has been pretty fun I guess! I just wish it was more exciting! ha ha Basically... I've just been hanging out with friends, and I have been going to alot of basketball camps. I just got back from one in Colorado it was really cool! I'm hoping that I can go stay with Alexa and Bailey sometime soon! And I can't wait for heap reunion of course :) ha ha Well here are some pictures of some of my summer :D There will be more soon!

Sarah and I waiting to bowl! :D

Ha ha someone made us laugh right when they took it!

ha ha this is the only strike i got all game. :(

We were all matching!

At the zoo during spring break!

ha ha imitating the monkey

Me, my cousin Jason, and my friend Sarah at golf land!

Me, Sarah and Emery

Me, Sarah's Brother Casey, and Sarah at their seminary graduation

Sarah, me, Emery, and Kealee at graduation!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girls Camp!

Shelly and Me :)

On our hike

Fire side!

Chillin in our tent!

Canoeing :)